
Get the peace of mind you deserve.

Retirement advice

You are happily retired and enjoying the things in life you never had time for. Now that you are spending more time with your family your concerns turn back on how to help the next generation. Transferring wealth from one person seems simple enough until you try to do it. Make sure you are aware of all the legislation and tax on passing money onto those you care about. 

You might also have a niggling voice in the back of your head questioning if the next big crash is really going to effect you. If your concerns have gone from do I have enough for retirement? To will my money continue to last? Then we can help you gain more peace of mind. 

The areas we help our retired clients with are below:


If you have any questions and want peace of mind, get in touch with us today.


This is How We Work

Before we give you any advice, we prefer to look at your overall situation with a wider lens. This ensures our recommendations are in your best interest and allows us to focus on what is important to you.

Below is a quick review of what it’s like to work with Luck Financial Group.